Wow, this is fantastic! I love the sound design, and the composition itself is really great. I find that it's such a positive when a track has a clear direction, and it follows it. "Farsight" describes the mood quite well, and that makes it memorable for me.
As for constructive criticism, I can really only think of one little distraction that I noticed. The hi-hat that repeats throughout. While it plays an important role for sure, I feel as if it is maybe a bit too loud in the mix, and like I said, it becomes a bit of a distraction. I feel like it would serve better as a compliment to the beat. It could possibly be shortened just a bit too in order to get a tighter rhythm when combined with the rest of the percussion and such. That would work SO well with this, I think. That said, I still have a ton to learn about music production myself, so I hope I'm not just spouting a bunch of nonsense, haha.
I really do love this, though! Solid mixing, enough variance to keep in interesting, great sound, etc. I'm super glad I came across this. ^^